Sunday, January 8, 2012

Update for Jan. 8

I just finished doing 2 miles for today.

The 30 minutes I spend on the treadmill are the LONGEST minutes of my whole day! I did get my walk in earlier today and the sun is still shining, so I thought I should have gone outside instead, oh well....  

 2 miles out of 10 walked so far this week!   8 more to go...

Today, I had my ipod and listen to music and also did my daily Bible reading, so that help pass the time and feed my soul as well.  I have the goal of reading the Bible THROUGH in a one YEAR.  Right now I'm in Genesis and today I read about Abraham and when he offered up Isaac.  What FAITH Abraham had....  It was a good reading.

How TEMPTING is has been for me to eat sweets today!!  Wow...  This is going to be HARD!  So far so good, though!!


  1. I have just discovered the joy of using an Ipod...I love it!
    Glad to be on this journey with you!

  2. What wonderful goals, Tanya! I am not "reading" through the Bible in a year, but I have the goal of listening through in a year. (We have the Word of Promise CD's, and I love to listen to them... I can hear God's Word when I'm feeding the baby, washing my dishes, or driving the van!) My goal is also to get in 500 miles this year... we're on the same "team"! I like how you broke it down to 10 miles per week. I think I'll do that as well!

    I know it's a different post, but I thought I'd mention it here... I love the new name of your blog. So much more fitting. Can't wait to hear your reasoning.

    Oh... and the sweets will be easier the longer you go without them... your palate will change completely!
