Saturday, January 7, 2012

Returning to Youthfulness

Ok, so this is just a beginning and a wonderful way to start the New Year.  I was motivated when reading a few blogs of some friends and I decided I'd start my own blog which will be dedicated to walking, exercising and losing my extra baby weight.

So my goals for 2012 are

WALK 500 miles or more by the end of the year

LOSE 25 pounds -   My weight right now it 174.2 and I hope to go down to 150.  I was at that weight before I was pregnant with our last baby.  Just by walking and watching what I ate, I was able to lose my EXTRA weight between baby 6 and 7.  :)  I was feeling great!!

I will NOT eat any sweets except once a week.


I'll add my walking ticker once I figure this blog out.

Thanks Angie for motivating me!!  Although it was when I read Grace's blog, I decided I SHOULD do the same!

So here I go!

P.S I'm still playing around with the settings, so don't be surprised if/when things change.  :)


  1. Tanya, your blog is already beautiful. Thanks for posting the link. I've been working on my health blog for over a year now and, I admit, it's really nice to have others doing the same. It's a great encouragement and motivates you to keep going. I look forward to your updates and will be praying you along. :)

  2. Excellent!!!!!!! I am adding you now! Your goals look wonderful!!!!!! I am so glad to have all of you!

  3. Tanya... great to see you join in the journey. I look forward to encouraging you and cheering you on in the journey! :)

